Andrea Speer Hibbard
Andrea Speer Hibbard is a fine artist from Los Angeles whose current studio is based in downtown Santa Rosa, CA. Creating works with a variety of mediums on paper, board or gessoed surfaces her images are often an exploration of layered information and form.

1,000 Monks
Following the death of my father I was faced with a series of challenges that left me feeling exhausted and despondent. During this time I meditated and prayed with the specific request for guidance and help, i.e.; is anybody out there?
One day in the studio and beginning with a doodle, my aid did arrive, on paper, in the form of a monk. I began drawing and painting more monks which became such a joyous reprieve from my concerns. I set an intention to create one thousand. In retrospect, these monks became my support system. Laughing, reflective, exalting and calming, they served as personal guides leading me forward out of this difficult period.
In many ways I consider myself a fortunate scribe that was gifted with the task of transcribing and delivering this hopeful message from one thousand monks to those touched by this image.
I am most grateful to our son Cincinnatus for encouraging me to have prints made to share this piece.